Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Wedding...

Brian's brother, Jeff was married yesterday! We are so happy for Mary and Jeff and were so glad we could celebrate their special day! Our kids did fantastic and had such a fun time with their cousins and Grandma Cathy. I'm still smiling because I'm so proud of them and how well they did! Brindley and Mommy waiting for the wedding to start!
Colden patiently waiting...
Colden, Aunt Mary, Uncle Jeff & Brindley
The Fam
Brian toasting the Bride and Groom
Brian and Grandma Bell

Brindley gettin' down ( I had no idea how well that girl could shake it!)
Colden dancin' the night away with Grandma Cathy!
The Happy Couple
Brindley and Colden all cozy, watching a movie after Gigi came and picked them up!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to School!

Today was Colden's first day back at preschool! He had a great day and is very excited about a new year! We are so beyond proud of our little boy!

A special breakfast!

Tyler and Colden...have been friends since they were 2 months old!
Miss Stacy and Miss Jan with Colden

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm a soccer Mom!

I am officially a soccer Mom! And honestly, I couldn't be happier about it! = )

Colden started a new soccer program...very official! He has a uniform and wears cleats and shin guards! He did great on his first day! His team name is the Sounders and he is number 19! Go Colden...aka "Buddy!" (Brindley's nickname for him)!
Saturday, September 12, 2009

My First 10K!

I did my first 10K today! It was Iron Girl at Greenlake and it was awesome! I ran it in 57:58! My only two goals were to never walk and finish in under 60 minutes! I accomplished both of my goals!

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