Friday, September 17, 2010

soccer begins x2

A new season of soccer began for the kids last Sunday! It was Brindley's first time and she LOVED it! We are counting down the days till our next practice!

Grandma Cathy was able to join us for our first practice and the kids were elated that she came to watch them!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Seek Justice Challenge!

Brian and the kids participated in the Internatinal Seek Justice Challenge at our church this morning! Brian ran a 10K and the kids did a fun run! The course for the run was VERY challenging and Brian rocked it!! = ) He got first in his age division and overall was 18th out of 52 runners!

The kids rocked the fun run as well! It was a small obstacle course, that they could do over and over...Brindley did awesome, she never wanted to stop!!

Proud of my little family!

Water and snack break!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brindley's First Day of Preschool!

I cannot believe I'm actually writing a post about Brindley going to preschool! It's just so hard for me to believe she is old enough! It is so bitter sweet...I certainly don't want her to grow up, but I enjoy every minute of her sprouting into the girl that she is.

She is beyond ready for school (part of that due to her brother going for the last couple years), she has wanted to go since Colden started last year. All summer she asked when it was her turn. was her turn!

Surprisingly we had a few tears at home before school started...her nerves got the best of her, but as soon as her backpack was on, she was ready! I'm so proud of this girl and love watching her grow!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of PreK for Colden!

Colden started PreK today! He is very excited about being in PreK..."not preschool!" I love how passionate he is about going to school everyday! Colden will be going 4 days a week for half days! I'm so proud of him!Ready to go!
Hanging up his coat!
Getting right to work during quiet time!
Friday, September 3, 2010

a trip to the zoo with mommy!

I decided to take the kids to the zoo today! It was a gorgeous day and I just wanted to spend time alone with my two kiddos before our school routine begins! We had a fabulous time! We toured the entire Woodland Park Zoo and had a picnic! The kids were at the most perfect age and did so well!

Brindley's favorite animal at the zoo: "Monkeys!!"

Colden's favorite animal at the zoo: "The sleeping lion!"

Mommy's favorite animal at the zoo: "The Giraffe!"

A picture with the hippo statue!I'm always in awe of these creatures! Climbing some rocks!Lunch break!Picture taken by Colden! Not too bad!

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