Sunday, April 25, 2010

In Memory of my Grandma

Yesterday, we lost a dear, dear member of our Grandma.

She was absolutely monumental in my life and oh how she'll be missed. I have so many wonderful memories with her and both my grandparents for that matter. I will never forget the summer vacations at their home on Upriver Dr. in was an awesome house to play at...whether it be in the attic playing house, in her bathroom playing "beauty shop", or in the old barn in the back...they are awesome summer memories.

Christmas...those will forever be the best memories I have with my grandparents. I have never in my memory not been in Spokane for Christmas. It was always the traditional and so exciting at the same time, so important to me that I still came to Spokane for Christmas with my own husband and our children every year. I have so many memories to hold and traditions to pass down to my own family.

I was also so blessed that my own children got to know their Great Grandma and boy did they love her! They loved her for all the same reasons I did...she was the best at playing, sneaking yummy treats, rocking in the chair and just making you smile. Colden even has his own name for her..."Great Grandma Ding Ding" because of the Grandfather clock that would "ding" every hour at her house.

And so as Colden would say (as we were talking about Grandma getting ready to go to Heaven), in his own words, "I think Great Grandma probably wore her coat and packed her clothes to go be with God and Jesus in Heaven."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Homemade low fat cinnamon rolls!
Sibling love at church!
A bit sad that she couldn't sing with Colden on stage!
There's my jammin' boy!


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