Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seattle Heat Wave!

When you have temperatures like this...

you do this!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


102 Degrees! It is hot in Seattle and even worse in Issaquah! I'm beyond thankful for A/C in my home! Today we went to Colden's T-ball class and the community center didn't have A/C! It was awful and all the kids were sweating so much! How the community center does not have A/C, I'll never know...makes me a little nervous to think about if there was some sort of disaster!

I feel like it is a bit similiar to being stuck inside because of snowfall...I feel trapped in my nice, cool home (and really I'm not complaining!). The mall, theaters, libraries etc are packed with people!

I'm just thankful today and everyday for my wonderful cool home! Keep cool out there!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Snipet of Our Week...

We had an extremely busy week! We participated in VBS this year at our church. I volunteered as a crew leader in Colden's preschool group everyday! It was awesome, but I'm still exhausted!

I also got to have a Mom's Night Out on Thursday, Colden performed at church today, & we had a BBQ! Not to mention...we are hot, hot, hot, but feel very thankful for A/C and kiddie pools!
So cool that the ice cream truck is no longer a truck...but a BEETLE...just like Gigi's!
Ordered the one I thought he'd like...
but was quickly reminded that this child does not like ice cream, even if it is in a chocolate chip cookie form!
My Mom surprised us with an adorable lunch at home after VBS on Tuesday...this sunflower says it all!
Colden performing his song at church!

Matching shirts all week for VBS...yes...everyday...the same purple shirt!
The new dessert I tried making for Mom's Night Out!
Enjoying a little T-ball at the picnic!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I was so pumped to get the mail Ebay purchase had arrived! Yes, I bought used magazines on Ebay! Domino...a GREAT decorating magazine that is no longer being published! I can't wait to sit back with my iced tea or iced coffee read my magazines!

AND...check out that photo with the magazines on the table...we just redid that table! I bought the table off of Craigs was white and weekend later with some sanding, paint and a new knob (from my favorite store...Anthropologie)...and we have a great new table!
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Apparently...we live on a farm!

Our community decided to bring in goats to clear some crazy stuff growing...they aren't too far from our house! It really is amazing how much these goats can accomplish! We have had a good time watching them!
On Saturday, we spent the day with Thomas & Friends! It was a lot of fun! This year, Colden enjoyed riding the train and actually looking at the real trains vs last year just wanting to play with all the Thomas stuff!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Something fun...

I've been playing around with this new photo editing website I found via a friend's website...give it a try...very fun!

4th of July Weekend...

We are blessed enough to have a family cabin near Leavenworth/Lake Wenatchee. We were able to spend the 4th of July with our most wonderful friends...the Fontaine Family. We enjoyed the beach, camp fires, great conversations, and yummy food! We didn't love the mosquitos...they were beyond BAD! I am so thankful for a great family, wonderful friends and terrific memories!

Fun at Lake Wenatchee!
Happy 4th of July!
Enjoying a quiet movie together!


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