Friday, February 25, 2011

snow day

We FINALLY got a couple snow days in Seattle! It was promised all winter that we'd be in for a harsh winter, but November was the only time we had snow! Well, we finally got two good days of snow and beautiful sun!

We had snowball fights, made snow angels, and went sledding! We've had a great time! I think the most fun we've had in the last couple days was our walk to Zeek's Pizza! I'm so thankful we live in this neighborhood where we can walk and have great food! The best part was how long it took us to get there and walk back (not because Zeeks is far away, but because the kids kept stopping to play or make snow angels)! The kids were dressed perfectly, Mom and Dad not so much! I think it took us longer to walk both ways than it did to enjoy our meal, but it was so much fun taking our time to enjoy the snow!

Catching snowflakes with our tongues!Taking a snow break, to do some art work (ironically, they said they were making Hawaii!)!
Brindley being a trooper hauling the sled up the hill! Our walk to Zeeks!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

heart day

My Valentine was in Portland this year, working hard for his family! So I spent the day with my kiddos and Gigi! After swimming lessons, we came home and made some yummy Valentine treats, opened a few fun gifts and enjoyed our traditional heart pizza!

It was fun day! I do get to go out with my Valentine tomorrow night after Kindergarten information night (gasp!!)!

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day full of love!

This darling Valentine arrived in the mail for Mommy & Daddy! (Glory Days Preschool rocks!)

Inside the card (translation): "I love you Mom and Dad"...and some random notes!

This postcard came from Brindley! So sweet!

Catching a little afternoon show!
Making our pretzel, hershey kisses, and M&M's treat (Thank Jaime!)Our festive dinner table!
The heart-shaped pizza!
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: February 2011

Hello there! I'm trying something new to me! I, by no means, am a photographer. A few of my friends and fellow bloggers do this fun little photo project each month called Ten on Ten. You take 10 photos, every hour for 10 hours on the 10th of each month! I decided to give it a try!

My everyday indulgence!
Trying to figure out dates for our beach vacation this year!
1st round of Valentine's-Colden
Oh so sweet...
Snack time!
2nd round of Valentine's-home made-Brindley
Afternoon bike rideTeacher treatsA dinner of champions!
Off to my new favorite addiction-hot yoga!

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