Thursday, April 28, 2011

Colden's 1st tball game!

I cannot believe Colden is old enough to play t-ball! We had our first game last Saturday and it was incredible...I think the weather had a big part in that, it was a gorgeous day! The Marlins (our team) played so well...they have had very few practices, but they just seemed to know what to do!

I'm a proud mama to say the least...I've waited for little boy playing t-ball in his cute little uniform! It was more than I expected! I'm also a proud wife...Brian has done a great job being the head coach! Go Coach Daddy!

Getting ready to bat (didn't know I was taking this pic!)Run, Colden, Run!Good game Marlins and Dodgers!
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter! It was very laid back and that is just what we needed! On Easter Eve, we decorated our eggs and went to a family Easter service, where the kids sang in the Easter choir!

On Easter, we hunted for eggs and went to Easter services and the kids performed two times for the packed congregation! After our busy morning, we put our sweats on and went to a movie!!

Being artistic!
Before the Family Easter Service

Hunting for Easter eggs!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Serving at the Ronald McDonald House

Serving at the Ronald McDonald House was our first group activity as Ben Towne Foundation Eastside Chapter! We had a good time and worked so well together! Sara and I made aprons (YIKES) and I made pins so our aprons would be a bit more fashionable!!

This was my second time volunteering at the house and it's always challenging. Seeing children sick is gut-wrenching, I loved seeing the smiles as they ate dinner and spent time with family. It always makes me stop and think of how thankful I am for my family's health and happiness.

I'm looking forward to our next date at the Ronald McDonald House! Great job my friends!
Making the pork!Serving lineCleaning up!
Group shot!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 on 10:: April 2011

I barely remembered ten on ten this month! It was a crazy busy day, and while I thought that might make it easy for me to capture photos, it really didn't! I was sort of in a scramble! I used my iPhone once again with the Hipstamatic app!! Love it! So on the way to church and to teach Pre-K, I really wanted to stop at Starbucks...but there wasn't any time...
No fear though...I made a stop after church!! (I promised I would have a Starbucks photo in every 10 on 10 that I do!)

Back to church for Easter choir practice! Brindley & Colden are up there! So cute!
One of my most favorite things in my neighborhood...these beautiful magnolia trees...their blossoms don't last very long, but they are just beautiful right now!
We noticed some birds showing interest in the real estate on our porch! We are hoping they build a nest here! Colden made a pine cone bird feeder and we've been waiting to put it out for just the right birds! Today we did just that! Today was our first soccer practice for Brindley! She is on a new team this year! The "Wolves!" And there she proud of her! She was a trooper in the rain and all!Making our own pizzas for dinner! I'm enjoying these gorgeous tulips my dear friend Angela brought me this week! And he's off again...after just one week in town...Brian travels to Portland again. It's not as bad as some have it, but it's hard to get use to when you've never had a travelling hubby!

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