Sunday, November 29, 2009


We have been busy decorating for the holidays! Garland, candles, lights, 2 trees, etc. all ready to go for Christmas 2009!

I bought the kids an artificial tree to decorate (we will be stringing popcorn and cranberries soon) & we went and cut down our tree today! That is always a fun experience!

After we put the lights & garland on our real tree, I really liked it...I didn't want to add any ornaments especially since the kids used a bunch...BUT I do have about 7 Starbucks ornaments...which suits us perfectly, so we have a "Starbucks" tree! WE LOVE IT!

Happy Holidays!

"This is the one!"

Kid's tree!
Country Starbucks Tree!Daddy reading our favorite story, "The Polar Express!"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Today was Colden's Thanksgiving Feast at preschool! Brindley and I were able to go and her words were, "my turn to school..." meaning she really wants to go to school! Too cute!

We had a great little feast of turkey, ham, rolls, cheeses, fruit and desserts! They are darling, don't you think?
Group Shot

Singing a few songs
Brindley wearing Colden's turkey hat, thinking she's pretty cool to be having lunch at school!

Saturday, November 7, 2009 hit us...or some of us...H1N1. Brian was diagnosed with it and recovered nicely with Tamiflu! Colden also had it and is slowly getting better (at least I'm praying about that). Brindley may be getting it...and I've stayed clear so far...only because I've been hanging out with these guys:

On a more exciting note...for those of you that know me well...this cup absolutely made my day this week! That's right...I get giddy over the RED Starbucks cup! Thank you Starbucks for making my day!
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had many wonderful celebrations this Halloween! It's been a busy week, but filled with lots of fun and candy! = )

The kids had a blast this Halloween! We answered the door for a few neighbors, did some trick o' treating in our neighborhood, and then headed over to some wonderful friends for some more trick o' treating in their neighborhood!
The cake I made!
Pumpkin carving
Our little dalmation!
Our handsome firefighter!
Brindley, Jaxon, Joshua, & Colden~3 firefighters and their dalmation!


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