Saturday, January 21, 2012


We just got through one crazy storm here in Issaquah! It was really quite awesome! We were hopeful for snow...which we got...10 inches!

However, after the snow came an ice storm. It was really quite incredible, but very destructive. We only lost our power for about 12 hours, but there are others that still do not have power. After a day or two without power, it gets old. Going one day was very fun for us and the kids!


This little rear wheel drive ain't goin' no where!

Ice was so heavy on the trees, that most of the trees looked like this!
Out on a sledding adventure!

Sunglasses in the dark is a must! ; )
Dinner with candlelight was fun! Thank goodness for a gas stove and fireplace!
Thursday, January 5, 2012

first day of ski lessons!

Colden and Brindley had their first day of ski lessons yesterday! This is the FIRST time either one of them put on skis!

Unfortunately the weather was not was raining instead of snowing on the pass! Colden, being my fair-weather child, did awesome...I was concerned as he doesn't like to be wet or cold, but he didn't want to leave! Brindley was also a trooper and did great!

Brian and I were amazed and very proud of our little ski bunnies!

Colden learning how to walk with one ski!Both kiddos learning how to walk!Brindley concentrating!

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