Saturday, September 24, 2011

Did the Puyallup!

We went to the fair today! It was a blast! It had been a few years since we had been! The kids are at a perfect age to go, didn't even need a stroller! We enjoyed some rides and of course yummy treats!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PreK for Brindley & No more training wheels for Colden!

Today was Brindley's 1st day of PreK at In the Beginnings Preschool! She was very excited! I can't wait to pick her up to see how her day went!

Last week Colden learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! Honestly, it was so spur of the moment to take off his training wheels. He had fabulous balance on the Razor scooter, so I thought maybe he would feel the same way on his bike...once I took them off and he got on, he was putting his legs out like a "V" and balancing the I told him to put his legs up on the pedals and he's good to go...he did it!!! Just like that...a pro without training wheels!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

1st day of kindergarten

It was a BIG day in our house yesterday! Colden started Kindergarten! He was beyond excited and ready for this day! Mommy is so proud and excited for Colden, but I'm not gonna lie...I shed some tears! After I picked him up, he didn't stop talking about school until it was bedtime!

It is a very strange feeling being on the other a parent, not the teacher. I loved every moment of being a teacher and I love every moment of being a mother. I feel blessed that I've experienced both sides! I'm excited for Colden and his adventures in Kindergarten and I'm also excited for Mrs. Dolen as she teaches my son!

Brindley starts school next week and we are thrilled with the new preschool she will be going to. Brian and I went to the parent meeting last night, and I'm very impressed. She will be a busy little girl, but I think she is going to blossom this year! She also had her first gymnastics class yesterday and did wonderfully!

This mommy is beaming and smiling from ear to ear! (All pics again are from my battery dead-awesome).
The only pic I got of Brindley sitting on her mat! She was darling in her gymnastics outfit...Listening to the teacher!
So Proud!

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