Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gingerbread Extravaganza!

We've been busy building gingerbread houses and trains! Brindley got to make her own gingerbread house with some other friends while Colden was at school! And last night, Colden got to make his gingerbread train!

They weren't as awful to do as I expectations were very low! = ) They weren't too hard to put together and the kids did a great job decorating them! I will say, I was hoping they would look a certain way, so maybe I'll get my own next year!




Anonymous said...

The gingerbread house and train are darling!! Brindley looks so intrigued, Colden not so sure!! Very fun thing to do!
You were very brave to take on two projects!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love it:) Amy

Heidi said...

ok so do share. . . where did you get yours because uh yeah! Way easier than our house!!!! Cute!

Tami said...

Were these Costco items? I think I might recognize the gingerbread house, but the train? SO CUTE!
I also had certain "expectations" of how Tucker's house would look, so maybe next year we need to have a gingerbread neighborhood where everyone can make a house look as great as they want it to look!

Hillary Atkins said...

GREAT idea Tami! I so want to make a "cute" house...

So the train is from Target and the house was from Fred Meyer...however they were both by the same company..."create a treat"...SO EASY...comes with pre made frosting that actually works at sticking sides together! I highly recommend it!

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